BLM Renovators, a division of BLM Contractors Group LTD. Established in 1996

Terry Everitt – Project Manager

With over 30 years of industry experience, Terry Everitt has an extensive marketing and project management background covering executive management experience ranging from software and telecommunications to restoration to services to multi-unit construction. This experience has allowed him to offer his expertise on a consultation basis, and in all cases, whether with his own enterprise of the contracted consultant, he has always substantially improved operational efficiencies, as well as increased revenue. Terry brings a level of diligence and intense application of skills that allows him to quickly assess a company’s position and formulate solutions rapidly.

Terry is meticulous in keeping you informed about new changes to projects and the impact those changes have in scope, schedule, and cost. Terry’s understanding of the entire project and his ability to adjust accordingly to problems is what makes Terry an excellent Project Manager.

Jack Brown – Manager

Jack Brown has over 40 years of experience in single, multiple, and commercial construction and over 20 years experience in Construction Management. Jack has an extensive resume holding a variety of construction managerial positions in a variety of companies. This variety has helped Jack become an expert in his trade from starting as a construction worker to being a project manager for multiple businesses.

Aside from being a seasoned manager, Jack has also served in our military and has participated in many community clubs. There is no one better to help run BLM Contracting than Jack Brown.